Columnists Roving Writers Documentation/reporting of Star-ghana Election Projects:

To observe, interview and document the processes and impacts of the work of grant awardees of STAR-Ghanas election projects and produce two separate reflective reports/documents for STAR Ghana; Articles in the weekly columns of the Consultants of observations that will be of interest to readers. Twenty articles should be expected two each for a region; Five feature articles in other nationally circulating newspapers on either project specific issues of grant awardees with national mandate, or observations of interest to a wider readership; Periodic interviews on FM radio stations both at the local and national levels; Photographs, and with the right equipment, audio and video clips as will be necessary to document what are observed; a report to STAR-Ghana on the processes and impacts of the work of each of the 44 grant recipients; a collection of the journalistic reports of the Columnists from this assignment and publish as a book. Such an endeavour will contribute in creating knowledge and develop an intellectual memory of capacity building for both the present and the future.