Parliamentary Workstream

STAR-Ghana Foundation recognises Ghana’s Parliament as a key strategic partner in national development. STAR-Ghana has effectively partnered Parliament since 2010 under both Phases of the programme. Engaging Parliament is informed by STAR-Ghana’s focus on working with key state institutions to increase responsiveness of the Executive to citizens’ voices and concerns. This is directly linked to STAR-Ghana’s Theory of Change (ToC) which is premised on the fact that, STAR-Ghana, by working with both supply (government) and demand side (citizens) in a 3C’s (Convener, Catalyst and Coordinator) approach, will lead to an active citizenry that influences and contributes to transformational change.

The first phase of the Programme covered support to the Leadership, ten (10) Oversight Committees and the Parliamentary Service. The second phase of the collaboration under the focal theme of gender equity and social inclusion, provides grants, technical and advisory support services to the Leadership of the House, four (4) Oversight Committees namely the Gender and Children, Education, Health and Local Government Committees and the Parliamentary Service. Workstream activities include a focus on national budgetary processes as it relates to the sector public institutions over which the selected Committees have responsibility as well as the oversight role of Parliament in general. This is aimed at enhancing accountability by the Executive to the citizens of Ghana through Parliament.
The collaboration additionally promote civil society and citizens’ engagements with Parliament aimed at empowering citizens to influence policy changes that help to address systemic challenges in national democratic governance.


With Thanks to our Funders

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No 6, Sunflower Street, East Legon, Accra, Ghana GA-372-5902