Call for Partnerships
STAR-Ghana Foundation is seeking partnerships with suitably qualified organisations to develop and implement projects and actions aimed at improving access to quality social services and access to resources for secured livelihoods for underserved populations and to strengthen their voice and participation in governance at community, district and national levels. The underserved groups targeted for this call include persons with disability (PWD), young people, Fulani/Fulbes, rural women, peasant and small holder farmers and informal workers, such as market women. Eligible organisations include community-based organisations (CBOs), citizens’ action groups, farmers’ and trade/livelihoods organisations and networks, coalitions and alliances of organisations working for or with the afore-mentioned underserved populations. Interested and qualified organisations should: - download and complete the application templates (Narrative and Budget) from STAR Ghana Foundation’s website (; via
or -
send a request to the following email address for application templates: info@This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Completed templates should be submitted by email to applications Applications should be submitted no later than 8 th December 2022. All enquiries should be addressed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via 0302554520 and 0302556429 from 14th -21st November 2022 between 9:00 am-5:00pm.
STAR Ghana Foundation is a national center for the promotion of active citizenship and philanthropy. It works towards the development of a vibrant, well-informed and assertive civil society able to contribute to sustainable national development and inclusive access to high quality public services for all citizens. The Foundation’s strategic approach focuses on supporting the creation and utilization of spaces for collective and coordinated citizens’ engagement with local and national duty bearers as a means of promoting inclusion, transparency, accountability and responsiveness in governance and decision making at both local and national levels. With support from the Flora and Hewlett Foundation, STAR Ghana Foundation is implementing the three-year Actions for Voice and Inclusive Development (AVID) project, which seeks to build sustainable partnerships with community-Based Organisations and less formalised networks, alliances and with social movements through capacity building to effectively represent their constituents (underserved groups), and to improve access to social services and public goods by members of underserved population networks and associations’. STAR-Ghana is seeking to develop partnerships with interested and qualified organisations towards achieving AVID’s objectives. The partnership will involve the joint development and implementation of sub-projects and actions and the strengthening of the organisational and technical capacities of organisations representing or working with underserved populations.
Focus Issues
The AVID project will support activities that have the following focus;
- Constituency and movement building around key issues of access to public services and livelihoods for identified underserved groups
- Advocacy towards access to information regarding government policies and programmes
- Strengthening spaces for engagements and dialogues between underserved groups and duty bearers at local, regional and national levels
- Enhancing access to market for produce, storage facilities for farm produce and influencing pricing of produce
- Facilitating access to skills building and apprenticeship for young people
- Promoting social cohesion (between herders and farmers) and integration of fulanis into communities
- Influencing women’s access to land for productive work at the local and rural levels - Improving women’s business/entrepreneurship management skills.
- Promoting disability inclusion mainstreaming and PWDs participation in local governance
Eligible Organisations
This Call for Partnership is open to CBOs, networks and associations who have been in existence/operating for at least two years and whose work primarily centers around promoting the interests of their members as well as those of the underserved groups. Specifically, eligible organisations must;
- be a Community Based Organisation/Associations/Group, Regional and/or national alliance or networks with a local agenda
- addressing issues that affect a community or communities directly.
- have a local focus – with localised geographical scope, and be community based or community rooted (located within the community they serve).
- manage their affairs through the efforts of members or volunteers and have no or few paid staff.
- be able to provide evidence of past activities within the community/communities they serve (references from the District Assembly Traditional Council or a funding organisation/agency)
- be membership based, non-profit and non-partisan.
- show capacity to work with people from a range of different social, gender, and ethnic backgrounds and promote inclusion of rights of underserved groups.
- show evidence of capacity to engage citizens and citizen groups and create relationships around critical issues
- have existing relationships with community stakeholders, including District Assemblies, traditional and local authorities and be known by the communities where they seek to undertake the project
- be able to demonstrate good working relationships with other Civil Society Organisations at district and local levels to for effective collaboration.
- have an office/a location they work from and be able to show at least one year’s bank statements.
- be willing to learn and share with other programme partners in communities of practice
Duration of Partnership
The project will be implemented over a two-year period, starting from February 2023. STAR Ghana Foundation anticipates awarding a total of twenty-five (25) grants (small grants and strategic). All enquiries should be addressed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via 0302554520 and 0302556429 from 14th -24th November 2022 between 9:00 am-05:00pm. Applications should be submitted no later than 8th December 2022 (three weeks after this publication)
How to Apply
• Download and complete the application templates (Narrative and Budget) from STAR Ghana Foundation’s • Completed templates should be submitted by email through the grant application portal at applications
• Deadline for submission of completed application forms is 8th December 2022
• Shortlisted applications will be notified within two weeks post submission NB: Please note that in addition to this advertisement in the Daily Graphic, the Call for Proposal will be circulated on District Assemblies notice boards, STAR-Ghana Foundation’s website, community radio networks and community network associations
Follow the link below for the Report on our Consultations on the Action for Voice and Inclusive Development (AVID)