With funding from Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) of the United Kingdom (UK), STAR-Ghana Foundation is implementing Partnership beyond aid programm to consolidate work phases 1&2 on COVID-19 programme and strengthen civil society capacities to engage with government for inclusive access to public goods and services- health, education and social protection sectors in a pandemic and post-pandemic context
The programme focusses on:
- Inclusive access to quality public goods and services, including promoting government accountability and responsiveness around COVID-19 response and recovery particularly access to health and education services.
- Strengthening Ghana’s social protection system, particularly in mitigating and addressing the impacts of the pandemic on poor people and vulnerable persons.
- Strengthening coordinated civil society actions to improve government’s accountability and responsiveness to citizens at all levels of governance. This will particularly focus on delivery of quality and responsive services to citizens, including transparency and accountability for resource mobilisation, allocation and utilisation.